Do you need the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) WAEC English Language Past question 2021 Free? If Yes, you are right

Do you need the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) WAEC English Language Past question 2022 Free? If Yes, you are in the right place, we provide complete WAEC English Language past questions for download on our website. Do you need a platform where you can get all WAEC English Language past questions? If yes, We have all the related past questions you need, just click on your desired past question and download it to your device.

You may also be asking yourself these questions; How can I get complete WAEC English Language past questions for free and which site can I download Waec English Language past questions and answers? MyschoolBrod, provides complete past questions and answers for free on our platforms for everyone, Just go on our website and download your desired past questions

One cannot overstate the value of using previous questions to help you study for your exams. You may learn what you already know, as well as what you don't know or don't know at all, and you can learn new things to read by using past question papers as part of your preparation.

About WAEC

Full meaning of WAEC

W - West
A - Africa
E - Examination
C - Council

What is WAEC

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an organization established by legislation to determine whether examinations are required for the public welfare in the English-speaking countries of West Africa., to administer the exams, and to issue certificates that are on par with those issued by comparable examining authorities internationally. The West African Examinations Council was founded in 1952, and its mission is to be a premier examination organization that advances the educational objectives of all its stakeholders.

WAEC Vision

To be a world-class examining body, adding value to the educational goals of its stakeholders.

WAEC Mission

To remain Africa's foremost examining body, providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment, encouraging academic and moral excellence, and promoting sustainable human resource development and international cooperation.

WAEC Core Values


History of WAEC

In 1948, the University of London School Examinations Matriculation Council, the West African Departments of Education, and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate convened to discuss education in West Africa.

The gathering was organized to talk about West Africa's future educational policies. At the meeting, they nominated Dr. George Barker Jeffery (Director of the University of London Institute of Education) to visit various West African countries. He visited Ghana, the Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, and made recommendations on the composition and duties of a West African Examination Council.

Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and the Gambia passed an ordinance approving the West African Examination Council in 1951. Later, in 1974, at the annual convention held in Lagos, Nigeria, Liberia published its ordinance. The council called its first meeting in Accra, Ghana in March 1953.

In March 2002, the West African Examinations Council celebrated its 50th anniversary in Abuja, Nigeria. "WAEC: 50 years of Excellence" served as the subject of the celebration. Aside from the overall event, each member nation took part in the celebration in their own nation. During this anniversary the book, WAEC: Half a century of Commitment to Excellence and Regional Cooperation was launched.

For more info, you can visit: WAEC official website

Importance of WAEC Examination

  • WAEC is conducted throughout the whole of West Africa.
  • The WAEC result is accepted even in overseas countries like the USA and Canada.
  • It does not have any age limit, whether you are young or old, you can take the WAEC exam.
  • Companies and organizations will ask for WAEC results before you can be employed.

Things Needed To pass WAEC Examination

  • WAEC Past Questions: Candidates will need to past questions, so as to have an idea about the kind or level of questions that are asked in WAEC. This is the reason why Myschoolbrod is here to supply you with complete WAEC past questions.
  • WAEC Tutorial Videos: WAEC tutorial videos will help candidates to have a better understanding of each question and topic related to WAEC and that may likely come in the exam. Are you really feeling like watching the WAEC Tutorial video? Just click on this link, and immediately you will be taken to Myschoolbrod YouTube Channel so you can watch the WAEC Tutorial videos we have uploaded. Click Here
  • Stationery: Candidates that will partake in the WAEC examination will have to get some stationery like pencils (HB), a mathematical set, a Calculator e.t c.

Easy Steps to Pass WAEC Examination

  • Have the mindset that you want to take the WAEC exam.
  • Overcome Exam Fear (Exam Phobia)
  • Create enough time to study before the examination
  • Make sure you read and study all topics associated with each subject you are taking for the WAEC Examination. Click Here to go to Myschoolbrod YouTube Channel, to watch more educational videos needed to pass WAEC Examinations
  • Study and read all necessary past questions on the WAEC exam. You can download past questions on our website, Click Here to Download

How to check WAEC Result

To check your WAEC result, check the easy steps given in this post where we explained in detail step by step how you can check your WAEC result online. Click here to check easy steps to check WAEC result online

About English Language 

English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family. It is one of the subjects that are compulsory to pass as a student preparing for WAEC. English Language is a subject and also a Language that is widely spoken throughout the whole world.

 Remember for you to pass WAEC, you have to treat important topics. English Language has a lot of definitions that differ as a result of the source but know that every definition still has the same meaning or passes the same information.

Important Topics In English Language

 For you to pass WAEC, you have to treat important topics, so here are the important topics in the English Language needed to pass WAEC:

  • Essay Writing
  • Letter Writing
  • Speech Writing
  • Article Writing
  • Debate
  • Figures of Speech
  • Parts of Speech
  • Lexis and Structures
  • Summary
  • Stress
  • Intonation
  • Comprehension Passage
  • Synonyms (similar in meaning)
  • Antonym (opposite in meaning)
  • Falling and Rising Pattern

These topics will be treated on our YouTube Channel and also download past questions to get more questions on them. You can download it on our website.

Importance of WAEC English Language Past Questions

WAEC English Language past questions are important in your studies to help you have an insight of how the exam looks like and how to face questions related to different topics covered in the subject examination to be taken

Excerpts From WAEC 2022 English Language Past Questions

  From the words lettered A to D,  choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences:

1. I could not read what he wrote because his handwriting was
A. tiny 
 B. eligible
C. untidy
D. illegible 

2.When all the items on the agenda had been discussed, the meeting was
A. dismissed 
C. adjourned 
D.  dissolved

3. Occasionally, universities award degrees to outstanding personalities.
A. ceremonial  
B. honorary
C temporary 
D. respectable 

4. His thoughtlessness is simply beyond
A. idea 
B.  assurance
C. belief

5. Many doctors haveto western countries for better opportunities. 
A. migrated
B. travelled 
C. immigrated 
D. fled

WAEC 2022 English Language Past Questions File Download Preview

WAEC 2022 English Language Past Questions File Info

file download information
NAME: English Language Past Question
YEAR: 2022
SIZE: 2.2 MB


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