you can check your BECE results online. Read this easy steps on how to check JSCE Junior Waec (BECE) result online.

    Have you being wondering on how you can check for your Junior WAEC (BECE) result? If yes, then we are going to discuss that today. I am going to show you the easy steps to check your BECE results online.

    BECE is the examination that is taken by final year junior secondary school students (JSS3) so as to be able to be admitted into senior secondary school. BECE is popularly known as " Junior WAEC" because it is just like the WAEC standard and also it is the final exam that will be taken at the ending of your junior secondary school 3(JSS 3). BECE does not only allow you to be admitted to senior secondary school 1 but you can also use it to be admitted to technical school or college. Another interesting thing to understand is that BECE is both conducted in Nigeria and Ghana.

    Furthermore, NECO is in charge of conducting the BECE Exams for Federal Unity Colleges, Armed Forces Secondary Schools, and other Federal institutions that operate secondary schools. Private secondary schools in Nigeria may also participate in the BECE Exams if approved by their respective state ministries of education.

List of Approved Subjects for BECE Exam

  • English Language
  • Mathematics.
  • National Values (this includes: Civic Education, Social Studies, Security Education).
  • Basic Information and Technology (this includes: Information and Communication Technology, Basic Technology, Basic Science, Physical and Health Education)
  • Cultural and Creative Art
  • Pre-vocational studies (this includes: Home Economics, Agricultural Science)
  • Business studies
  • History
  • Christian Religious Knowledge
  • Foreign Language (French or Arabic)
  • Nigeria Language (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Efik, etc

List of Grades for BECE Exam

  • A- This is highest grade and also stands for distinction
  • B- This is the second highest grade and this is upper credit
  • C- This is the lower credit score
  • P- This is a grade that is the second to the last and also stands for "Pass"
  • F- This is the last grade and also the worst grade. It stands for "Fail"

How to Check Junior Waec or BECE Results Online

1. Login to the Website Portal https://bece.neco.gov.ng/

2. You will need a token to check your result. There are two ways to get the tokens:

  • By creating an account, logging in, and purchasing the token online through the payment methods available
  • By purchasing the token and emailing or printing it to another applicant

3. If you have already purchased a token. Select your exam year, enter your exam type (BECE), enter the token you have purchased and also your registration number and click on “check result” button to check your result.

4. If you have not already purchased a token continue with this steps below. Click on “purchase token”

5. You will now be redirected to a new page to login or register. If you have an account before, fill in your login details to login to your dashboard.

6. If you do not have an account before, click on “register here” to register your account details.

7. You will be redirected to the registration page, fill in your details in the input forms and click the “register” button.

8. You will be redirected to a page showing that your account has been created and an activation email has been sent to the email you used to register.

9.Check your email inbox for the activation email sent and click on the email message, and then click on the “Verify Email” button or the link below it.

Note: if you did not see the mail in your inbox, check your spam folder

10. You will now be redirected to a new page showing that your account is now activated. Then, click on the “login” button to login to your activated account.

11. Input your login details and click on the “login” button. You will redirected to your dashboard.

12. On your dashboard, click on “purchase token” to purchase token that will be used to check your result.

13. Enter the number of token you will like to purchase because each token can be used with only one result for a specific number of views. Then click on “pay now” button.

14. The number of tokens, service charge and the total amount to be paid and will be shown. Then Tick the provided condition and click on the “proceed to pay” button.

15. You will be redirected to the payment gateway to pay for your token. Fill in your details correctly in the input fields and then click on “submit” button. Then, it will show that your payment is now successful and you will be redirected back to your dashboard.

16. On your dashboard, click on “check result” button.

17. Enter your token, Exam Number, Exam year and your Exam Type (Basic Education certificate Examination) and then click on “check result” button.

18. Your result is now displayed for you. Congratulations.

How to print your BECE result

  1. Connect your printer to the computer and press ctrl + P on your keyboard if you are using a windows computer and Command + P on your keyboard if you are using a mac computer.
  2. Select the printer name and model and then click on print.
  3. If you are using a mobile phone, save the Result page on your browser as pdf and transfer it a computer to print or connect your mobile phone to a wireless printer to print your result.


 I hope i have shown how to check your Junior WAEC BECE result online with these easy steps and also how to print your BECE result Out. Just follow the steps above and apply it accordingly.

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